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Under the trend of globalization, cross-border marriage is no longer a new thing. For foreign spouses in cross-border marriages, obtaining permanent residency in China makes living in China more convenient, so they want to apply for a Chinese five-star card. What are the conditions to apply for a five-star card?1、申请条件
(1) 中国公民或者在中国获得永久居留资格的外国人的配偶;
1. Application conditions
(1) Spouses of Chinese citizens or foreign nationals who have obtained permanent residency in China;
(2) At the time of application and before the date of application, the marital relationship has been in existence for at least 5 years;
(3) Staying in China continuously for at least 5 years and staying in China for at least 9 months per year (also requiring Chinese spouses);
(4) Having stable living security and housing.
2、 申请材料
(1) 申请表;
(2) 婚姻证明;
(3) 配偶的身份证、户口本;
(4) 房屋租赁或者产权证明;
(5) 经公证的当事人名下20万元人民币定期存款证明;
(6) 境外主要生活地无犯罪记录证明;
(7) 体检证明原件及复印件;
(8) 有效护照及签证或居留许可;
(9) 白底两寸正面免冠照片;
(10) 个人履历
(11) 如是外籍华裔,则需要提供原户籍注销证明、出境时曾持用的中国护照,境外定居、加入外国国籍等其他证明材料。
2. Application materials
(1) Application form;
(2) Marriage certificate;
(3) Spouse's ID card and household registration book;
(4) Housing lease or property ownership certificate;
(5) A notarized certificate of RMB 200000 fixed deposit under the name of the party concerned;
(6) Proof of no criminal record in the main place of residence overseas;
(7) Original and photocopy of medical examination certificate;
(8) A valid passport and visa or residence permit;
(9) Two inch white background with no hat on the front;
(10) Personal resume
(11) If you are a foreign Chinese, you need to provide the certificate of cancellation of the original registered residence, the Chinese passport you used when you left the country, and other proof materials such as overseas residence and naturalization.
(3) 决定机构:国家移民局
3. Application processThe general process for applying for permanent residency in China is:
(1) Accepting institution: the public security organ of the place where the Chinese spouse's registered residence is located
(2) Review institution: Provincial Exit Entry Administration Bureau under local jurisdiction
(3) Decision making institution: National Immigration Bureau



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